Stitch Me Club 2012

eggs and SALs

again, I find myself taking another SAL.. how can I put an end to this, I wonder.. perhaps you people should stop planning such attractive projects..? (yep, I’m definitely going to blame someone else for this! :D)

so this time it’s Natalie‘s fault.. subscriptions for the Stitch Me Club 2012 Patches of Life have just opened as this is a summer long project, with four steps sent (hear hear!) by snail mail! 😀

isn’t this lovely? to actually receive an envelope with a part of the chart every month until october?! I find this a nice change.. especially for this time I won’t be the one who has to wait for a chart to arrive from overseas!! 😉

it’s going to be a big sampler (283×223) and it can be stitch on whichever fabric you prefer, called for fibers are a couple of DMC threads and hand-dyed (GAST, GASS, WDW and CC), even though you find DMC conversions for all the threads

instructions can be either in English or French, it’s up to you to choose, and the price is 9.50 euros per month to be payed all in advance as a one time only payment, which will include shipping costs for each envelope sent, which means a total of 39.50 euros/31£ for Europe, 40 euros/49US$ for International subscriptions.. yeah, I know.. I but pricey.. but after all it’s an Atelier Perdu, which means amazing stuff.. check this out! 😀

so here I am.. committing to another big project I’ll desperately try to catch up with.. gee I need to learn to say no to new stitches..

as for Pablita, she’s finally got permission to GO WILD again! 😀

at first she looked a little perplexed.. then she started smelling the grass all around her, zigzagging.. and I just knew what this meant.. EGGS!

she must have been waiting to lay her eggs all this time, the poor lady.. moreover she usually ends up as exhausted as famished.. which isn’t really a nice combo in her present conditions..

I left her alone for a while,  when she finished I went to check and she didn’t do anything.. so I’m even more worried now, for she may be unable to.. and this would mean x-rays and a possible intervention..

now she’s resting in her favourite spot, under the rosemary.. this afternoon it’ll be time for medications (she still has to receive her fix every 48 hours, plus daily disinfection therapies) ..fingers crossed..

– – –

enjoy the weekend

and thank you for following the tail in so many every day! 🙂


9 thoughts on “eggs and SALs

  1. Oh, I love SALs so much. I always want to join whatever new one is starting up. I think I might just have to look into this one too. (I do love the idea of it coming by mail! Wow!)

    I hope Pablita is well.


    1. thank you all for the nice comments.. I really hope she gets well soon..

      as for SALs.. I’m really misbehaving, I know.. I’ll probably end up buried under a pile of stash, as a friend of mine recently pointed out.. (all in all not a bad scenario, for I can always stitch my way out of it!! :D)


  2. Ciao, Chiara, you are Circe and have tempted me – I joined the SAL. Thank you so much for posting about it. I am so excited, it is about the third online/international one which I have joined. I hope that Pablita gets better soon.


  3. Another SAL? And a huge one at that too. Girl, you are in big trouble! LOL! No worries, I can definitely relate too.

    Aww… I really hope Pablita will be back to her usual self soon. Has any of the eggs she laid hatch before? I’m curious.



    1. actually she didn’t lay any.. and even if, they would never hatch, as they haven’t been fertilized.. so it’s basically a huuuge, pointless, trouble.. poor Pabli..
      now the thing is, are there any eggs inside she cannot get out in the first place? why? ..I’ll keep an eye on her and see if she gets apathetic – unfortunately the only sign of some kind of illness, with animals.. fingers crossed!!
      thank you for your wishes! 🙂

      [on a happier note, there’s even ANOTHER SAL I’m interested in.. write about it later..!! :D]


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