Gloriana · IHSW · Scissor fobs · The Grey Tail · Travelling Pattern · Vaupel & Heilenbeck · WIPs

Chapter eighteen – The resoluteness

previously on The grey tailI got a bunch of stuff to keep my eyes and belly busy with. yum.

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while I renewed the aspect of the blog, and updated the terribly old content, I realized the “2013 finishes” space was pretty empty. I tried and tried to remember, to focus, but nothing came to my mind. and it dawned to me.

as long as finishing, I haven’t accomplished a single thing so far. eeeeeeeeekkkkk!! 😮

too many starts, that will eventually bring to their own finishings, that’s for sure. but seriously, not even a small accomplishment in 7 months (other than the gifts I sent) is simply preposterous.

so I made good use of all my rediscovered resoluteness, little Travelling Bunny pattern, and need for a scissor fob.

about time
almost done stitching over 2 on the 28ct. Vaupel & Heilenbeck linen.
the fluffy guy is made of furry Wisper thread.
here he is!
it’s a bit hard to see the pompom tail on the left, but it’s there. and it’s all Wisper thread wrapped up 6/8 times in fluffy French Knots I tucked down to get the side to stay on top.
I stitched the outer border for both front and back, then joined the two sides with one ply of DMC thread in the same green of the gingham linen.
I borrowed my mom’s hands and made the cording for the fob in DMC ecru and 3348.
you can see the bunny tail way better here, and the pearl seed beads I added to the flower. lots of 3D stuff in this tiny fob.
the front and back (in the same V&H linen) are completely joined.
here I’m stitching the cording using slip stitches and one ply of the green thread.


pretty small, uh?
and here it is, completely finished.
luv that tail


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hope you liked the walkthrough. it was my very first handmade scissor fob, and surely the tiniest finishing I’ve ever done so far 🙂

if you want a chance to stitch your own Bunny, post a comment in THIS POST ONLY. entries close at the end of this month!

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welcome to all the new followers!

keep on following our summer adventures in tomorrow’s post. an all new episode from your reporter in Whacky Lane!

11 thoughts on “Chapter eighteen – The resoluteness

  1. GREAT job on your fob – he’s so cute!!! And bravo for using the Whisper without pulling your hair out! That stuff is maddening in any area more than 5×5 stitches 🙂


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