Birthdays · Eugenia Tuffet's Travel · Food · The Grey Tail

Chapter fifty – Eugenia and the birthday cakes

previously on the grey tailthe mother of all supplies.

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part of the things I forgot to show you are pictures from my birthday cakes. instead of having one huge cake (that is never happens to be the one I like) I asked for many different pastries and small cakes. included my favourite croissant with walnuts and maple syrup.


these are all filled with creme and mousse, so my family happily feasted on them.
as for me, I prefer the creme-free stuff, such as short crust pastries and that mouth-watering treasure hiding in the back right.

lucky for me, on Monday my mother’s colleague came back to work after spending the weekend with her family in Sicily, and look what she took with her..

fresh Sicilian almond pastries, flown straight from Sicily!

oh I love almond pastries, and these were the best ones I’ve ever had!

BaBa got all grumpy cause nobody brought tuna cakes for him.

so I gave him a few of his kibbles and he felt like a happy camper too.

these are called “Malachite 9”. they’re special King size kibbles made especially for Maine Coon’s large jaws, they measure 1 cm on every side.

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on the stitching front, here is an update on Eugenia Tuffet by Just Another Button Co.

I stitched together her face, ears and headpiece. added eyes and nose. I’m really enjoying this stuffed project.

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thank you for the sweet comment and emails about my stitching,

you really make my day!

welcome to all the new followers and viewers!

lots of hugs and happy xxx,


4 thoughts on “Chapter fifty – Eugenia and the birthday cakes

  1. Those pastries looks so delectable! I’m not big on creme filled ones either although I do like an eclair once in awhile. Eugenia is adorable!


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