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announcing finishing Fridays

hi everybody! it took me quite some time to get here, but I’ve been thrilled to announce I got some recent finishes. oh yes, plural!

not one! not two, ladies! but THREE finishes (which kind of justify my absence here.. I was busy stitchin’! :D)

I decided to post them once a week, with a complete recap for each one of them. they were all finished on a friday*, starting on the 10th of last month. I guess the upside of starting too much projects in 2013 is that I’ll finish (hopefully) as many in 2014! 🙂

here is a list (after getting barely no finishes last year, now I get 3 finishes in a month?! hell yes I’m making a BIG deal about this! 😉 ), so.. that list:

  1. iStitch DesignsSew Advent Band SAL Sampler 2013
  2. Papillon CreationsA Welcoming Spot
  3. Plum Street Samplers – Sunday Mystery Sampler, Mary II

those of you who follow me on Instagram (@nexthursday) and Facebook (Taras BaBa), have already seen them and (WOOOWW!!) overwhelmed me with beautiful comments about them: thank you so so much, folks! ❤❤❤

I’ll post about them in this order, every Sunday starting today, so stay tuned for those long waited recaps!

here are a few WIP pictures/appetizers 😉




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another too long postponed post will be published this week: the exchange I made with Sarah! she spoiled me rotten with adorable gifts and a stunning project packed with elephants that I literally cannot wait to stash for! WOW!

this will get published sometime this week, together with a recap on Christmas gifts and cards, you people really warmed my heart this year, thank you so so much!

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so, wait for the Sew Advent Band post in a few hours, and then see you next week!

enjoy the rest of the weekend!


BaBa says hello too! 🙂

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* to be perfectly honest, Mary was finished last Thursday, but it was late afternoon so – who cares!

11 thoughts on “announcing finishing Fridays

  1. All great projects.
    The fabric for Sew Advent is gorgeous!
    Congrats on all of your finishes.
    BaBa looks so cute. 🙂


  2. Chiara, Love all your wips! Beautiful colors and great variety of stitches. Good for you that you are getting several finishes done close together. I feel a strong need to do the same since I have been trying out the rotation system of stitching. Has its good points and bad points. joleeblonde (Linda)

    On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 4:14 AM, the grey ta


  3. Your new year is off to a great start, Chiara!! Beautiful projects–each and every one 🙂

    Love your sweet kitty, too!! Give him a cuddle for me 🙂


  4. OMG!!!! I LOVE what you did with the sky on Mary’s sampler; it is beautiful. Baba also looks quite regal on his purple cushion 🙂


  5. Congratulations on your three finishes! What a super way to start off a new year of stitching. I can’t wait to see the post with Mary’s Sampler. I also am fascinated with what you have done with the sky on this one. It looks amazing!
    Give BaBa a little rub under the chin for me. He is such a handsome boy. My son wants a Maine Coon so badly and when he saw your picture he told me that this was the colouring of the one he wants to get.


    1. thank you all for the appreciation, I’m really pleased with these projects too and this finishing rampage is such a thrill! I’m currently working on another that’s almost done, imagine if I add another episode to the Finishing Friday Saga! 😀

      BaBa happily purrs back, he really loves rubs under the chin. 🙂 tell your son he’s doing the right thing! 😀
      BaBa’s colour sounds a bit complicated but it really isn’t: he is a “black silver tabby with white”.
      it means the main colour is black; it’s silver, so single hair can change colour, from black to silver grey for example; “tabby” is the design you see on his back and paws, basically the black stripes; “with white” because he has solid spots of white, the stomach, chest, and all of his paws. that’s why I say he’s always wearing white socks and mittens 😀


  6. So jealous of 3 finishes!!!! That’s the trouble with only starting BIG things – they don’t necessarily get done in a year 😦 SO well done you!! Scritches to BaBa 🙂


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