Cloudsfactory · Harry Potter Giant Sampler · IHSW · Nina's Threads · The Alphabet Club · The Grey Tail

happy IHSW (oops)

in wishing you a very happy International Hermit & Stitch Weekend I have to confess what some of you might already know happened during the week if they follow me on other social media..

WIP - Cloudsfactory - Harry Potter Giant Sampler

I got my supplies for this one and simply could not resist!! 😀

I only squeezed a little evening time on it (literally 3 chapters of the audiobook and the PS soundtrack played once while I was getting everything ready, can’t be more than 3 hours of stitching really) but boy does it stitch up quickly! 😍

I must run but I promise to check back with you after hermitting (I see a banner-finish drawing near!) and when I do that on Monday, I’ll also give you the official starting date for The Alphabet Club; it turns out that we’re just one vote in favour of August with that vote being mine – although in the meantime I changed my mind but I also found out that I won’t be home the 1st Saturday of July.. so I have no idea what to do.. it would really help if someone else voted and took all the responsibility for the decision while I merrily stitch the Gryffindor banner. 😛

WIP - Cloudsfactory - Harry Potter Giant Sampler

see you on Monday! happy xxx!


10 thoughts on “happy IHSW (oops)

    1. very 😜
      yep, I do it all the time too! the problem is, does the linkie thing need my approval to be active? that was my main concern, if we don’t get any more votes for August by the end of the weekend, and if I don’t need to be approving stuff on Saturday 4th, we start then! 😀


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