Alice in Wonderland · Christmas Celebration Sampler · Chubby Taras · Cloudsfactory · DMC · Harry Potter Giant Sampler · Margaret Sherry · Nina's Threads · Once Upon a Time Sampler · Pen Pals series · Real stitchers don't steal · SODA Stitch · Story Time Sampler · The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery · The Grey Tail · WIP

real stitchers don’t steal

it is with a heavy heart that I find myself, once again, in the position to have to write about something I would rather have never discovered because it never happened. but it did happen, and I did find out about it, so what should I do, now that I find myself with something extremely bothering in my hands?

should I keep it for myself and let it go, pretending it never happened? or should I tell everyone and let the world decide what to do with a stitcher that has been stealing other people’s work?

yep, that’s what I’m talking about, and although it (sadly) happens every day, it doesn’t happen every day that said stitcher has crossed paths with me.

what would you do if you found out that one of your needlework acquaintances has been uploading and downloading the charts for the WIPs you see online in vlogs and IG/FB posts?

and how would you prove it without giving away how designers catch these people in the first place, that’s the tricky part.

the easy thing to do is to block said person from social media, remove all that links you two – but what about other people? those who don’t have needlework designers as friends tipping them off regarding this and that in their life? should they still follow this person, listen to the vlogs and talks and believe all the rubbish about being an honest stitcher?

and what about designers? should they still sell to this person without a clue their work will end up uploaded on a server hundreds of miles away from here, losing them income and dignity?

and again, how do you prove to people that this stitcher has obtained the charts of several WIPs illegally without giving away how they managed to catch the thievery?

you can’t really teach these guys new tricks now, can you? it would be counterproductive to say the least.

yet it would be very unfair to ask people to just believe my word when I say that I crossed paths with someone very nasty in the past months and that never in my life I want to see this person near me, ever again.

I don’t want nothing of the sort in my circles, on my YouTube subscriptions, in my Instagram feed, I don’t want to see anything like this near the alphabet club and my stitch enigmae ever again.

I really don’t know what to say about and to people who steal from others, apart from the fact that I despise their actions and will keep them as far away from me as I can possibly can. I would expect the same from anyone else who’s a needlework fan and enthusiast.

so, what can I really do? what can all honest stitchers really do about this situation that, no matter how you look at it, is affecting this business so heavily?

who else do we need to see shut down before we actually do something about it apart from honestly purchasing what we stitch?

and then it came to me. a very small, tiny thought. nothing compared to the masses of figures the illegal downloads get every day, but it is a start, and the very least I could think of. it’s something a designer asked me some months ago, when I was working on SODA’s Alice. Jung Sunny asked me to post my WIP updates on Facebook with the original chart next to it.

at first I thought but I don’t stitch with the original next to me, my cat sleeps and walks on my working copies all the time, if I used the original I would have it all bent and crushed in less than an hour! I keep it safe in my WIP basket or in a project bag and I’m a tad too lazy to take it out for shots all the time. but with time that thought stayed with me, ringing in my ear, because to be perfectly honest she had a very good point.

if I’m not too lazy to take blurry WIP updates in the dark or at a weird angle, if I can get up and take a decent shot under good daylight, if I can add watermarks and make a montage of my stitching so that people don’t use it to stitch stuff they didn’t pay for, if I can make time to do all this I can bother to take out the original from the basket, can’t I?

and I can do my best to turn this into a trend too, with a handy hashtag that people can use to raise awareness of their approach to needlework and ethics and everything. don’t ask a philosophy student to separate her interests and beliefs as if they were compartments sealed hermetically. it won’t work.

so long story short, here it is:


it’s the name of the Facebook Group I founded about a year ago, again, to raise awareness of these issues and hopefully make people understand this is a big BIG issue and everyone’s involved no matter if you came across someone like this or not.

if you like to stitch, knit, crochet, etc. you NEED to support the designer that worked on that pattern so that you could enjoy it (for a very reasonable price I might add). if you don’t give them the money they deserve for that work they won’t keep doing it. it’s painstakingly simple. in Italian we say it’s so obvious it’s lapalissiano.

so there you go, next time you post a WIP update take out the original copy as well, and if you use social media add the hashtag #realstitchersdontsteal

WIPs summer 2015

WIP - SODA Stitch - Alice in Wonderland

WIP - Margaret Sherry - Cute Kitty

WIP - French Rose Sampler

do it as frequently as you like, there’s no rule or restriction, as long as we start showing we do care about the future of this business very very much.

– – –

but what about digital files you bought legally? take my current WIP for instance, the HP Sampler I bought from Cloudsfactory almost a year ago as a PDF, I don’t have anything physical but my working copies for that one.. well, technically it’s not true. I do have a very interesting bit of info: the date and order number.

I have piles of emails confirming my purchases from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery and many other designers that sell their patterns as PDF.

if posting our updates next to evidence of our purchase turned out to be a habit, a designer might be able to tell if you’re a reliable stitcher who will keep what she bought for herself or not. and we might be able to discern if those we’re getting to know are honest stitchers or people pretending to be. or course, I can see the limits and faults in this plan (give me a lock and I’ll show you a way to pick it) but take it for what it is more than anything else: a form of protest against this sort of people and their actions.

you see, if stitchers all over the world STOPPED uploading their charts illegally this madness would cease to exist. but don’t even get me started on this, or I’ll risk catching fire again.

WIP - The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

WIP - The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Once Upon A Time Sampler

WIP - The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Christmas Celebration Sampler

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Story Time Sampler

WIP - The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Pen Pals

WIP - Cloudsfactory - Harry Potter Giant Sampler

I took these shots before receiving notification from PayPal that PayPal unique  transaction IDs (not our email addresses, of course) shouldn’t be shared with any other than the seller – I don’t reckon it would get needleworkers into any trouble, yet better be safe and add only informations that are 100% safe for us and 100% traceable for designers anyways: the date of your purchase and the order number.

– – –

have many happy xxx

and remember to take my warning very carefully: I do not condone or oversee these things, so if this is what you’re into, please, the door’s right there.


56 thoughts on “real stitchers don’t steal

  1. I read this and think it’s a great idea. But, then I got down your page to —> “Having Fun With” and the very first thing listed is “Nina’s Threads.” I remember several years ago when Diane Williams from Little House Needleworks caught Nina posting a photo of a finish of one of Diane’s designs that hadn’t even been released yet! Nina had copied the pattern from one of Diane’s pictures! And then Nina had the nerve to post all over her own blog about not stealing her pictures because they were copyrighted by her! All these years I continue to see people buying her threads and such, and all I can do is shake my head. I’ll post this on the Facebook group as well.


    1. well, this is the very first time I hear this. I’ve been using Nina’s Threads since autumn 2012 and that’s why there’re a direct links to her website here: I like them very much. I’ll definitely ask her about what I just read here as it’s 100% news to me.
      the fact that you said you would write this in the FB Group as well is not a hint at the chance that I might or might not approve your comment here, I hope. I never censored anything or anybody’s words, not even when they were defending a situation I was quite against.
      I would never silence something or someone just because Nina and I have become friends through these years. I honestly never heard of anything of what you said before and it goes without saying, I’ll ask her what it’s all about.


    2. I asked Nina about this, and I really don’t think she used a picture of a cover model to stitch something without buying the chart.
      of course everyone’s free to believe whatever they like; I got to know Nina in the past few years and I honestly reckon she doesn’t have the time (and most importantly interest) to do such a thing.


    3. Julie, when I read your comment here this morning it was the very first time I had ever heard about this. my initial reaction to it was that I couldn’t believe it true of the person I have been in contact with since autumn 2012 when I purchased my very first hand dyed materials from her. I have never been in Diane’s Yahoo Group (didn’t even know it existed until now) as I am 29 years old today and in early 2010 I wasn’t that aware of online needlework communities at all.
      that being said, I asked Nina this morning and she answered me what I already told you (on Facebook): it was given to her and she didn’t second guess its origin and authenticity.
      again, since meeting her in late 2012 I never once had the impression she would have used a chart that was re-charted using a cover model picture, that’s why I was so perplexed at your comment. I was looking for a way to contact Diane when I spotted her reply here.
      of course I believe what Diane said, and I’m deeply sorry about it all. like I said: I did not know how and what happened. I trusted what Nina told me because, again, since the day I met her she never once gave me a reason to believe anything of the sort about her.
      did she consciously use a chart she shouldn’t have? or did someone pass it on to her without telling her? and did she handle it poorly? these are questions that those involved can answer way better than I can, I was oblivious to this all up until a few hours ago.
      should she have questioned where that chart came from? absolutely yes to this one, and she did tell me she regrets not having investigated where it came from.
      what I can tell you is that never once since late 2012 has Nina ever given me a reason to doubt her honesty as a dyer and stitcher. if Diane herself said nothing else happened since then, I reckon I can still use her materials and find her a good source for stash because she definitely learnt from the mistake she made (and she did make it, I’m not saying she didn’t).
      this is what I think, I hope it’s clear enough.
      I’m not arguing with you on this, really. I just didn’t like the fact that to you I somehow seemed to be aware of this, and was protecting her. I am not. I honestly had no clue.
      I mean, I posted and started Sara Guermani’s Spring SAL back in summer 2012, and it had (at least) one of Diane’s works in it, and I didn’t find out until a designer told me of this early this year.
      was I outraged because Sara Guermani had been earning money using other people’s intellectual property? of course, and I made a great big deal out of it too.
      but will I haunt Sara Guermani in her activity forever and discourage people from buying the designs she originally and personally creates? no. if people learn from their mistakes and choose to respect others’ copyright and intellectual endeavours, shouldn’t we just be glad they changed their ways and move on?
      thanks my opinion about this, thank you for letting me know.


  2. As usual your post on this matter is perfect. I do not now or ever share my charts. When/ if I am asked the answer is no simply no . I put myself in the designers place, I would not want to be losing money. I like that now many put your name across the print out. We all need to keep it honest.


  3. when you said “… asked me to post my WIP updates on Facebook with the original chart next to it.” my heart dropped. Original chart? Then I realized you must mean original picture. Phew.
    I tend to stash my originals away out of reach – I’ve lost more than one design as someone I can’t mention decides to like them – and use small images on blogs and only WIP images on FB. I often post images of my “happy mail” tho to prove I do own something physical! Especially as I am one of those who can look at a stitched piece and chart it very easily.
    But I’m more than happy to start using your hashtag! Lets get it trending 🙂


    1. no, obviously I mean the original hard copy of the pattern (not the working copy we make for ourselves) , like the ones I showed: covers only, not the actual charts! otherwise it would kind of defeat its purpose greatly, wouldn’t it?! 😬😂
      I used to do the same: happy mail and shots of all I needed before starting something new, there’s pretty much one for each of my WIPs that came as a paper hard copy.
      but for digital I never thought about it, and they are a lot these days, but their authenticity is fairly easy to prove once you dig up the right email 🙂
      thanks for your support! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a great post! I love your idea of the hashtag…. I am going to add the hashtag to all of my WIP posts from now on. Generally I do try to have the original chart pic in my WIP photos as a way to show what my stitching should hopefully look like when I have finished it…. but what a great way to prove we have bought and paid for the chart legally…. I have only recently started buying downloaded charts so it shouldn’t be too hard to find the email purchase details to use in WIP photos for these as well :o)
    Let’s stamp out the illegal trade of charts and save our designers! :o)
    Hugs xx


    1. oh thank you! ❤️
      yes, once you take note of the order number as you buy something it’s SUPER easy even with digital files, I’ll make new post-its for my WIPs without the transaction ID (that was a bit of a pain to edit out at the last minute 😬) and I’ll keep those sticked to something in my basket, like a project bag or the plastic inside cover of a notebook, so I can just take out the one I need every time I take a WIP update, it really isn’t troubling at all 🙂


  5. Great post Chiara. Sorry that you felt cheated. Your ideas to show that we are using authentic and original artwork are great.However ,personally I’m not sure I would be able to do so because of time constraint .I never post even a long shot of charts in my social media posts and have posted only once the cover pic of the finished design. When I finish a project I mention the name of source of the pattern ,this way if somebody is interested they have to buy the pattern etc.
    I don’t want to scare you but giving the purchase details out may increase the vulnerability of email account hacking. My email account was once hacked because the person wanted to get my travel details …imagine that.


    1. thank you, Mini 🙂
      I agree with you, this form of protest would work only if you liked sharing WIP updates and such things on social media and blogs. if you like to stitch in a more private way (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it! if I had needlework friends and groups nearby I would have way less posts on social media too) it really doesn’t suit.
      thank you for your concern about privacy and hacking: what I am going to share (and I strongly advise anyone to do just this) is the DATE of my purchase and the ORDER number: nothing past that. no email address, no accounts info, no other details.
      the order number is given to you directly by the seller (in this case the designer) when you place your purchase or when she directly emails you the PDF. it’s something only you and the designer have a way to put together (the date is there just to help narrowing down the search), it has nothing to do with the PayPal account or the credit card you used, etc.
      it’s just the order number the designer (and just her) have archived somewhere + the date 🙂
      – – –
      your travel details? that is SO weird! 😬😱


  6. Excellent idea. I will try to do it too from now on.
    I hate it when I see full charts uploaded on Pinterest and admit to having started reporting them. I don’t think it will ever stop people from doing it though. My feeling is that most people don’t realize that ideas are “properties” too. I am quite sure they would never actually steal something, and they probably don’t realize they do it when they infringe copyright.

    As for the comment about Nina, I hope it’s not true. I do love her threads and would be sorry to hear that. However, when it comes to designing I have often thought that it is possible that designers with a similar a style may come up with similar charts from time to time. Never identical though!
    Look at the chart on p.60 of the August issue of Just Cross Stitch. There is a touch of Notforgotten farm in the lines but it is someone else’s design. The flowers of course betray the difference.


    1. thank you, and sadly you’re very right: if someone wants to steal they will. no matter what people and designers try to do to stop them, if there’s a lock there’s at least one way to pick it.
      the point is: do stitchers really want to be this sort of people? and if faced with the results and consequences of their actions, would they change their ways?
      again, it’s more a form of protest than anything else: I’m just tired of reading about people close down their business (designers & shops) or begging people to buy their work. it’s insulting, if you think about it. to have to ASK to respect their work by purchasing it, not stealing it.
      they shouldn’t even have to dream about these things in their nightmares, imagine the zillion of things we don’t get to see coming out of their brains because they’re too busy running after these situations.
      but like everything else in life: for some people it’s not enough to see it’s wrong, or hurtful, or counterproductive, or unsustainable, etc. it has to be “uncool” to do otherwise. it’s very silly, but you see it everywhere. some people react to that kind of pressure more than anything else.
      – – –
      regarding Nina, I asked her immediately and she told me she she did no such thing as using a picture to chart something out of it instead of buying the original design.
      I have got to know Nina in the past few years and I honestly don’t think she would have the time, not to mention the intention, to do such a thing.


  7. After reading your post, I’ve immediately searched for the order nrs. of my digital purchases at The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery and Cloudsfactory 😀 . Sadly, I somehow cancelled the e-mail from TFPS with the order number when I bought Woodland Sampler and Cozy Gingerbread snowglobe. The only thing I have in my hands is the Paypal ID transaction nr. and the date. Would it work if I partially hide the ID transaction nr?

    By the way, your idea is great as I hate dishonesty in all its forms.
    Let’s share #realstitchersdontsteal ❤


    1. thank you! ❤️❤️
      I guess it could work but be sure to hide it in its majority, I asked PayPal and they advised not to share unique ID numbers although they are strictly linked to the buyer and seller, so they would be of use to designers only.
      my guess is that their answer was more of a statement to protect themselves should anyone get their account hacked for whatever other reason and blamed it on this.
      that why I said NO ACCOUNT NUMBERS OR EMAILS OR SENSITIVE DATA. the date and order number are miles away from anything sensitive and it’s just a situation you find yourself in with digital patterns: paper hard copies are super easy to prove in your possession and they give a lot of details like product codes that are a real pain to type in when someone tell you they can’t find that chart anywhere 🙂
      or where you bought it: there are stickers on them with the shop’s name, sometimes even the price.. ! 😆 super easy and fast! 🙂


  8. You know I support this 100% and when I am back from my IG hiatus I will be using #realstitchersdontsteal at every opportunity 🙌🏻🙌🏻!


  9. unfortunately, orders’ history is available on TFPS only after their website renewal and my first order dates back to mid of March just before the new version of the website 😦 so the only way I have to prove my order is to partially show the ID transaction 😛


    1. have you checked the bottom of the email they sent you the pattern with? order numbers prior to the change appeared there 😉
      if not don’t worry, you can always start doing it from today onwards 🙂


  10. I’ve linked to this post from my most recent blogpost. I did take photos with the cover pictures when I did the DUCJC in January so I can reuse them each time I show a new picture.
    With PDFs I always link to the website where I bought the chart. I think that shows integrity and honesty as well as promoting the designer.


    1. that’s great, Jo, thank you!
      I do have those snaps too, usually from when I start off a project, they are so nice to look at when you’re done working on it, years later 🙂
      and yes, I too take the time to add links to the designer’s shop/webpage almost every time ❤️
      (that’s why I hardly ever get questions like “where did you get that?” – there’s the link right there 😉 )


  11. I’m new to stitching and I just realized I very nearly did what you’re talking about. My son wants to stitch a pattern based on a cross stitch image on google. So I printed it out and planned to figure out the colors on my own. But after reading your post it dawned on me that I’d be stealing someone else’s work! Certainly this should have occurred to me in the first place. I’m sure there are many free patterns available but I didn’t even check on this one. I’ve now found the actual creator on etsy so I can buy the pattern. So don’t think you haven’t made a difference. Honesty is important to me and I’ll use this lesson as a teaching opportunity with my children. Thanks!


  12. Great post! I’ve seen it reposted a couple of times on facebook, even by some designers, so I suppose you hit a nerve there. I never realized stealing was that much of a problem, as it would never have occured to me to get my patterns any other way then buying them. I’ll try to remember including the patterns in my WIP shots sometimes 🙂


    1. I know, I wasn’t aware of anything until a few years ago. it never occurred to me either! but since then I came across very nasty situations, and then I heard of shops and designers having to quit because it’s so massive and it just never ends. very very sad and frustrating.
      I saw it got reposted by Cross Stitch Review and I linked to it in the RSDS FB group last night when I published it. no idea designers were liking it as well, but hey, if they find it even remotely useful then it wasn’t such a weird idea 😀
      on a hilarious note, you know someone called my anal because of my OCDs and having my email purchases neatly organised in folders?! 😂😂😂😂😂 anal!! of all words to describe a neat freak, I never thought of this one!! 😂😂😂😂


      1. Cloudsfactory has shared your post, and Jody Ellis from Unconventional X-Stitch as well.
        I’ll probably never get used to that way of using the term ‘anal’, haha 😀 My emails are pretty much all over the place, but I never delete them so even I could get that info if I wanted to (and probably will) 😀


      2. oh I saw Ambra’s post in the RSDS FB Group but didn’t know she shared it or about Jody Ellis, thank you for telling me 🙂
        anal, what a pearl I missed all these years! 😀


      3. The term “anal” is short for “anally retentive”. Which means you keep it all in LOL. Apparently it’s Freudian. It’s quite a common way to describe people who are uptight or obsessed with details.
        So now you know, you can use it for “A” if you really want to get weird visitors from search engines…


      4. oh! but I caught the Freudian touch in it, trust me 😀 I just didn’t know it had been picked up by general ways of speaking.. see? that’s the problem of living in Italy: you get the impression you know your way around the English speaking world but then an anal pops up and BANG! you’re laughing your socks off! 😀
        do I want to risk getting more spam for enlarging genitalia? aaaahhh.. what a tough question! 😀
        but I will say, there’s an insanely funny drawing my sis (bike sis) once showed be with Snow White in the arms of the Prince with him asking “anal or oral?” and all the wildlife around them voting for anal! anal! did they mean they needed the woods to be all tidy and clean? 😀 😀 😀


    1. thank you! 🙂
      it’s not an imposition, really, but it’s always good to do something to raise awareness and who knows, if it became a routine, like tapping focus before taking a shot, it might even help somehow, who knows! 🙂


  13. I think this is a nice idea, but personally I don’t feel the need to prove I bought a pattern. I know I bought it and I hope that people who read my blog know me well enough to know that I buy everything I stitch.

    When I post a picture I always mention the designer and the pattern name so that someone can search out the pattern to buy it for themselves. I have also turned down many requests to send a copy of a pattern to someone.

    I absolutely agree that it is very important to buy patterns and not copy them. I am friends with a couple of designers who have all but stopped designing because of copy right infringements. But, me taking a picture of the cover of my purchased patterns won’t get them designing again.

    As for sharing order details, that really only helps the designer. Those numbers mean nothing to the average stitcher who has no access to the designers database of sales.

    Don’t get me wrong. As I’ve said, I buy everything I stitch and I always will. I just don’t think I need to prove it. But I see nothing wrong with people who do. Just don’t assume that someone is stealing patterns just because they don’t bother to post a picture with the chart cover.


    1. oh that was never going to be an assumption. I really don’t think anyone would assume that simply because you didn’t show the hard copy of your WIP you stole it, like I said #realstitchersdontsteal is a form of protest more than anything else.
      I know only designers would get use out of those two pieces of information: that’s the whole point. should they need to track down if that pattern was purchased legitimately they have the info they need right there.
      I explained it sparked because I was put face to face with someone who had been acting like a honest stitcher and got very close to me, and I didn’t like the way everyone got fooled, me included.
      I am not doing it because I want to prove something to people, I really don’t have that in mind and if anyone started doubting my honesty and demanded to know things about me that I’m not comfortable sharing they would get a loud and clear hell to the no!
      I was looking for a way to show designers we do appreciate them, and in the process perhaps some that might not be convinced of doing the right thing towards them simply because it’s right, might feel differently if they’re alone in not showing hard copies or order numbers. again, like I said it was never meant to be an imposition or a rule, it’s just a form of protest one can agree with or not 🙂
      I won’t take it to the next level and say we should start posting snaps of our breasts wrapped up in yarn or crocheted bikinis (although I will say I love a nicely crocheted bikini) 😀


  14. You just have to get over it and move on. Piracy doesn’t cost sales, the people who download patterns (or digital resources, or music, or films, or whatever) aren’t buyers anyway. As a creator it’s a complete waste of time and energy to fight it, or even care about it. Issue a DMCA if you must, and move on. Personally I see it as putting my work in many more hands and in front of many more people than paid sales alone could ever do, and I find my sales rise every time something gets pirated. So I just concentrate on creating new product and let the pirates get on with whatever makes them happy. Not my circus, not my monkeys.


    1. dear Tori, perhaps you didn’t read my post through and through.
      I am not able to get over it, to me getting over it means to oversee something I’m firmly against. now, this idea of posting WIP updates that I expressed here might not be for everyone, I can see that and I never said that the world should start moving in the direction I point it in – would never want that kind of responsibility even if it was just remotely possible.
      what you said afterwards it simply wrong, that’s why I’m taking the time to reply to you and I really hope you get to read it and think it through. piracy does cost sales, and a lot. to deny it is simply not grasping the numbers and figures of what is going on.
      I will give you this link to Nicole’s post from 2012 regarding the matter, she expressed it way better that I ever will: A Sad Commentary – and quite frankly, even if the income of one single person wasn’t affected by these actions (and sadly it’s not the case) is it right?
      is it right to profit with pleasure and joy from another person’s work and not remunerate it? no, it is not. in no circus and on no monkey tree (where monkeys ought to be) is it right to steal, and people speaking up against it shouldn’t shush or keep quiet or mind their own business, in any case, not even the needlework world.

      now you see what happens when you ask a philosophy student for her opinion and motives behind her words, you get a lecture on morals and values and choices and responsibilities and consequences. that’s my thing. don’t expect anything less than that.
      I am not on an altar, I am not a preacher, I don’t walk around with perfection or truth or justice in my pockets: I see things I don’t like and I do what I can to change them. that’s all. if all I can do is write a blog post about it, I will. and if my friends and acquaintances and people reading this find even a bit of sense in what I have to say then perhaps they will be more aware of what is going on; if not, let them be. they’ll have to live through the consequences of their actions like all the rest of us, here, on this earth, where people who don’t get money for their job have to quit.
      have a good day.


  15. Several months ago, I began seeing some wonderful charts that folks had pinned on Pinterest. Many of them originated from the Russian hosting site I pinned LOTS of these, thinking that this was a site for sharing out of print (OOP) charts that have gone into public domain. I have recently found out that NOT ALL of the charts, patterns, etc. shared on are out of copyright. Many are still copyrighted, and it is illegal in the US for them to be posted for free download. (How did I find out? I saw an uploaded book that I liked, but the scan wasn’t very clear, so I went online to see if I could order a used copy somewhere … and found out that NEW copies are STILL available and still copyrighted!) Since I can’t go through every one of my pins and verify if they are or are not in copyright, I’ve decided to just unpin all of the items I’ve pinned in the past, and to not repin any further pins originating from that website (which is going to take a hella long time!). If Pinterest is your thing, you might check the needlework pins you’ve added, and see if the originating website is from


    1. thank you.
      and yes, every single pin from that website you mentioned is illegal, no matter if the chart in question is out of print or not.
      I wrote a fairly detailed file regarding the dos and don’ts of Pinterest and you find it in the files section of the Real Stitchers Don’t Steal Facebook Group I mentioned in and linked to my post.
      another great source of information on what is legal and what is not can be found in the Needlework Designers Facebook page.
      I hope you find these info useful 🙂


  16. You know how I love Renato Parolin – I was upset to see his patterns on Pinterest so I contacted his email address on the back of one if the patterns I have. I also contacted Casa Cucina in case his email wasn’t right. The patterns areally still there -terrible. Pinterest is fun but so many people load stuff there they shouldnt.


      1. 🙂 thanks, Jamie. ❤
        I really think they don't need suggestions to do that, if they're the kind of stitchers that steal it's very likely they've already done it or know how to do it. 😦


    1. yes, I know, and sadly Renato’s work is really plagued by these actions, perpetrated especially by Italian stitchers.
      unfortunately there isn’t much we can do once a chart gets uploaded to a foreign website or to Pinterest, who is just not doing what it should to contain the damages.
      that’s the reason why I founded the RSDS FB Group, go to the files section in that group and read the files I wrote regarding Pinterest.
      it’s not much what we can do, I know, but it is something. and if this ever became a pressing, urgent, matter, then perhaps these media would start addressing it properly.
      what would make the problem disappear in the blink of an eye is if people uploading and downloading to these websites stopped doing it.
      without the stitcher uploading the one stealing it, these websites would drop traffic overnight and they would cease to be worth administering. they would die out. you see now why I am so adamant about this? because the future of this business is literally in our own hands.


  17. I agree with all you have written and it is an intriguing way to show support for our designers. I hope the following does not seem rude, as I am curious to hear your opinion on this. What do you think about designs created from licensed characters without the approval of the copyright holder, such as fan art? I love the HP sampler you are stitching, but did the designer get permission to create/sell that pattern? There is so much out there that I would love to stitch but I hesitate because of this issue. Again, just curious to hear opinions on this.


    1. as far as I know, a bag with double SS printed on it instead of a double GG technically is not illegal, it’s an homage, even though it’s only details away from the original Gucci bag. what’s illegal is to sell the counterfeited bag at the corner of the street without a licence. and that’s counterfeiting: creating a product as close as possible to the original one, in this case a Gucci bag.
      with the HP sampler, and many of the Cloudsfactory mini people, what you see is a tribute to that character, not a faithful reproduction of it that is as close as possible tot he original. her mini people have a recognisable style and looks, but they’re in no way identical to the original artwork. for instance, you don’t get the artwork from the cover of the book translated into stitching.
      if paying an homage to something creating brand new original artwork about it was illegal, then many of the t-shirts I own wouldn’t have been printed and sold, or drawings of the Disney princesses like they ones Karen Hallion makes, who not long ago was at comicon, wouldn’t be allowed.
      on the other hand, if you want to buy and stitch a faithful reproduction of a Disney’s drawing of Tinker Bell, you have to look for one that was sold under Disney’s licence.
      again, this is what I know, I’m not a lawyer and I’m not claiming to be an expert on the matter. but I’ve seen stunning film posters, or band concert posters, or book covers made with brand new original artwork that were so praised by the band or the publisher etc. that they bought the license from the artist to actually print and distribute that artwork officially. if fan-art per se was illegal comicon, for one, would be shut down in minutes.


    2. Michelle makes a very good point. Fan art is fine if there is no money involved. It is just some fans sharing their love of the original book/film/characters.
      Regarding the sales of charts based on copyrighted characters this is a grey area and seems to be reliant on the original person’s goodwill.
      Terry Pratchett, for example, hated unofficial Discworld merchandise. Disney do too! Other people don’t mind so much and see it as flattering. I would be interested to hear JK’s opinion of the many HP charts for sale. She is certainly rich enough to take action if she felt so inclined so I guess she is happy with it all.
      My personal solution is to only stitch freebies of copyrighted characters. If I’m going to buy a chart I will buy a licensed chart (there are some licensed Discworld cross stitches out there).


      1. I don’t think fan art is that strictly regulated, in or out the needlework world. one can legitimately stitch or buy a tee with a drawing inspired by a character without having the exact character appearance, that to me is an homage, not a violation. if they used the covers of Terry Pratchett’s books to make cross stitch patterns without his consent/royalties I would agree it’s a big fat violation, but mini people? or the drawings of the Disney Princesses that Hallion makes? or Makani’s drawings of the HP characters? they used them for a widget called Quote Conjurer. it was free, but it featured both drawings of characters and quotes from the books; and although it was free it did generate piles of traffic, which in some cases is remunerative if you think about it.
        so all in all I reckon that fan art, provided it’s sensibly distant from the original artwork, is not such a dangerous zone or they wouldn’t even allow events like comicon and the artists that participate/sell there.


  18. Completely agree with you. Don’t know if you remember me but I was the one who adored the changes you made to once upon a time sampler and was planning to have the company send my confirmation to you. Lol – crazy I know but I loved your changes that much! I am going to wait till you are done with both the OUAT sampler and storytime classics sampler and send you my order numbers for both items. I really love your changes/conversions and hope that you would share them.


    1. thank you for your words, Christina, they’re very flattering and jut put a giant, heartwarming smile on my face. thank you! ❤️☺️
      I’m sorry but for many reasons I feel that won’t be possible: I’ll write a post to explain them all because I’ve been asked this before, but for now I just have to say no. I hope you’ll understand and see my point of view when I finally get around to write that post.
      thank you again for the compliments, I do appreciate them very much. ❤️


  19. I understand not wanting to move on. I had some of my work stolen (in a different format). My reaction was to stop putting my work out there. I stopped teaching and I stopped posting my work publicly. I understand that plenty of people move on but I found it deeply disturbing and upsetting. I’m sorry this happened to you. I couldn’t agree more that people should pay for what they use.


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