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magic pizza (GiGi, TUSAL, IHSW, Maynia reports and a finish!)

you cannot imagine the series of events that started last Friday after I made myself pizza using the neatest kit Italians could put together. it was so delicious I couldn’t restrain myself from eating it all by myself.. shame on me, I know, but it was seriously good. like gift-from-the-gods good. how can you pass on a gift from the gods?! sacrilege, right?! 😀


anyways I had my belly full, a lot to digest, so I let my body take care of the hard work. I picked threads and started my first Maynia start (Pen Pals #2).

then it started. I don’t know if it was the boatload of pizza, but it seemed like I had accumulated an excess of overly productive energy in my system which had to be discharged as soon as possible.

what happened at the point was weird, tiring as hell and oddly gratifying at the same time. I woke up in the early hours of the day (like 4 AM) and couldn’t get back to sleep, I was wide awake from the moment I had opened my eyes. so I started some major cleaning & tidying up works that I had postponed ad infinitum. and the tarantula work went on and on, I couldn’t stop! I couldn’t help it! I just couldn’t sit down until it was ALL DONE, once and for all.

I never did drugs or taken prescriptions that have weird effects on your mood/behaviour but from what I’ve been through I seemed to be under the influence of methamphetamine or stuff like that! 😀

just so you can get a picture, here is the list of things I did on Saturday alone, from 5 AM to 7:30 PM, non-stop:

  • swept the floor
  • dusted the bookshelves
  • dusted the cat tree
  • dusted the other cabinets
  • washed the floor thoroughly
  • dusted and cleaned the window frames with alcohol
  • fixed a new mosquito net on the one of the windows
  • fed Taras fresh kibbles and wet food
  • washed his water fountain
  • managed to break the pump
  • drove to the shop to buy a replacement
  • held a small iguana guy at the shop who was being super friendly
  • bought chocolate chip cookies provision
  • gave Pablita a warm bath and disinfected her wounds
  • changed the newspapers/paper towels in her playpen
  • loaded and unloaded 4 times the washing machine and hang the stuff to dry in the sun outside
  • sorted out some of my summer clothes in the portion of the wardrobe I’m using
  • finally attacked the monster pile of stuff my armchair had become
  • emptied my wicker WIP basket and started sorting out stuff there as well
  • took what was left of the armchair cover and washed it together with a pair of soon to be needed flip-flops
  • washed and disinfected the little box outside, as well as the scoop, the broom/ scoop thingie and litter catching mat
  • took out the trash
  • put new litter in the box and took it upstairs
  • sorted out stash, books and stuff I had piled up on the armchair and put them back where they belonged if not needed anymore
  • managed to find one of those wicked little devil beasts ALIVE in one of my baskets
  • almost passed out
  • oh, and before going to bed the night before I had changed sheets & bed cover and moved on to their summer, fresh versions
  • got rid of unneeded hair in several places
  • took a steaming hot bath during which I looked like a Native American, or a lobster, you choose
  • washed and dried my hair and finally decided to get them cut some time next week, perhaps


on Sunday I still had fuel to:

  • go through some of my stash
  • organise it a bit better
  • tidy up my WIP basket
  • gather all the loose random skeins of Anchor, Madeira and DMC I had in several baggies
  • collect all the DMC Gold Concept stitch bows I was supposed to use on projects that are not going to see any work done for a while (like Santa Bunny and the SODAs – all apart from solid Alice of course)
  • extract my Gold Concept binders from the deeps of my stash
  • put all the bows back
  • and while I was at it, I took out only the ones needed for Margaret Sherry’s Cute Kitty from The World of Cross Stitch magazine.

I also thought, since I already had the ladder out I could take the opportunity and cut the linen for it; and once I had done that I figured I could zigzag the edges for all my Maynia projects, and once I had done that I told myself well, now that the sewing machine’s out, why not attaching the linen band to those spare scroll bars you came across yesterday?

can you see what I did there? I tricked myself into starting something, one step after the other while all the time I was telling myself that I wasn’t going to actually start it just yet. only prepare for it. and truly believed myself for a really long while! boy I am a pro at this! 😀

earlier in the morning I had even cut the working copies of the chart I had made days go, glued them together to form a whole card (it’s a spread on 2 pages), put the bows in the carrying roll, etc.

and that’s how I absentmindedly found myself with another COMPLETELY ACCIDENTAL start. 😀 and because some of these DMC threads were bought for me by Grandma many years ago, it rightfully enters the GiGi SAL update!

not to mention, I came across this design through Jo’s Easter Blog Hop!

one of the hoppers (Carla Eldridge, but I can’t find her blog right now, silly me!) this year showed it as her Easter/springtime finish and I crushed on it completely. it’s an adorable, chubby Taras holding flowers for goodness’ sake! COME ON! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

it was published in 2012 (issue #188) and quite serendipitously (again!) I managed to purchase a brand-new copy immediately after seeing it in Carla’s post.

Margaret Sherry - Cute Kitty /Chubby Taras

I’m stitching this with all the prescribed DMC threads (I still have to buy two because I didn’t have them in my stash, classic) on white Zweigart linen (#100) in 40ct. where it’ll measure 12,7 x 11,6 cm (5 x 4.5”).

here are a few info from the magazine’s Factbox about this project:

  • stitching time: approximately 50 hours
  • type of stitches: cross stitch, fractionals, half cross stitch, French knots
  • level: intermediate
  • design area: 18 x 16,5 cm (6 1/2 x 7”) when stitched on the prescribed 28ct. white evenweave
  • thread and fabric cost: approximately £25 (now I cannot estimate if I spent more or less considering I had everything in my stash and it’s very hard to calculate the price of threads I didn’t purchase or piece of linen I bought in a much larger size and used on several other projects lately)

I never had the chance to give you this type of info beforehand with my other projects for I haven’t stitched anything from a magazine in a really long while. and I so missed this do as you’re told approach to a project.

I love making projects my own, you all know that, but from time to time I feel the need to break the routine with something more easy breezy, where the only thing I have to care about is the actual execution of the project, not all the other aspects involved in it.

I had been craving for this kind of stitching for months now, I thought the SODAs would have fallen into this category but, alas, no luck there.

WIP - Margaret Sherry - Cute Kitty /Chubby Taras
my start as of Sunday night before dinner, lots of wonderful greys in here.
WIP - Margaret Sherry - Cute Kitty /Chubby Taras
where I stopped after dinner. so far no stitching has been going on today but I plan on catching up on a couple of floss tube channels while happily stitching away after dinner.

– – –

so now that you have seen my entry for GiGi, we have Maynia to briefly discuss. I decided to postpone my Maynia starts for the second half of the month, from the 15th to the 31st, but this far I managed to start only two: Chubby Taras and this teeny tiny one: Pen Pals #2 (Valentine’s Day) by TFPS

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Pen Pals

WIP - The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Pen Pals

I’m working a few cm to the right of the first Pen Pals I stitched right at the end of April, again with my own choice of Nina’s Threads 1 over 1 on that lovely Vaupel & Heilenbeck linen band I mentioned last month. I have done more on it since this snap and would have finished the entire stamp frame if I didn’t have that crazy Saturday I told you about.

next is my TUSAL update, which is brought to you by my man, the Plummer, Super Mario!! 😍 PIZZA SO NICE! 😆

when I bought those chocolate chip cookies provisions I stumbled upon this overly cute double pack of banana yoghurt with smarties on top! I’m such a kid!

Mario yoghurt

well, I ate one of those yoghurts Saturday (the only thing I had that day actually, and it was terribly yummy), then I washed the tiny plastic bowl and recycled it into an ORT jar for the month, check this out!

TUSAL 5/15

– – –

last but not least we have the pièce de résistance: last Friday morning I finished Charlotte’s Web from Story Time Sampler, so.. I’m officially ALL CAUGHT UP ON THIS SAL!!


this is the very first time this ever happens to me, you guys, we are getting some booze ASAP and get an epic party started!! it’s unfreakingbelievable!! I am stitching along on something with a lot of other people, and I did all I accomplished all I supposed to so far. YES! HELL YES!!

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Story Time Sampler

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Story Time Sampler - Charlotte's Web

do you think she’ll drink and stitch? that would be fun to watch!

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery - Story Time Sampler

I also found out that there’s a minor (well, minor to me compared to the monster slug experience) boo boo in my middle row of frames: they are all 2 stitches higher then the top and bottom row of frames.

to be perfectly honest I don’t think it’s much visible once the stories get stitched in, plus it allowed me to add a picket fence on Charlotte, give the girl a left shoulder, a full face, .. all in all I would say it’s not worth cursing. things could be worse. the Band-Aid could have failed, which it didn’t. the lower banner could have failed, which it didn’t. I could have ran out of fabric at the bottom, which I didn’t. I could be very pissed off with all the hiccups in this project so far, and I’m not. I love it to bits!

– – –

you would think on Monday I would have rested.. no way.

  • I washed and mopped the terrace floor so well you could have eaten on it
  • thoroughly washed all the pot water trays (you still don’t know about my gardening project, I know, I promise to write a proper post about it soon)
  • and then I spent several hours under the sun attaching a transparent net to the railing because.. someone moved there! 😀

I’ll let you know in my next post tomorrow. all I’m going to say is Esio Trot. those in the know will figure it out. 😛

– – –

all in all that pizza might or might not be responsible for all the pain and squeaking and contracting and stiffening that I have going on, but it was well worth it. my stitching spot looks FANTASTIC, my work/bedroom looks normal again, I can actually find stuff which is a wonderful feeling I wasn’t used to anymore, I have clothes in my wardrobe, where they’re supposed to be for heaven’s sake!

I’ll end this rant here but I’m adding the 6th picture clue:

stitch enigma '15 clue 6

have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more crazy tales from the tail & I.

by the way, I haven’t posted any kitty pictures recently, have I? here, with my apologies.

Taras 5/15

Taras 5/15

Taras 5/15

– – –

happy xxx,


29 thoughts on “magic pizza (GiGi, TUSAL, IHSW, Maynia reports and a finish!)

    1. I’m getting another of those pizza kits tomorrow and save it for Thursday when temperatures will drop 10°C or more.. if it works it magic again I might swim to Kiwi-land!
      get the mop ready! 😀


      1. It’s in the garage – the corner by the laundry tub. Bucket is in the cupboard under said tub. Cleaning fluid is in there too.
        Wine is in the tall wooden thingy in the lounge. Glasses are in the glass fronted part up top. If you want to be all sophisticated-like and use a glass, that is.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. hahaha!! I’m not a wine girl, but I would expect a couple of ice cold lime Bacardi breezer bottles waiting for me in the fridge 😛 I love that sparkling sissy drink 😀


      1. I couldn’t say! 😀
        but in Italian that’s “pazza”, which is only 1 letter away from “pizza” .. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


  1. You’ve exhausted me too! I must just check out one point – “held a small iguana guy at the shop who was being super friendly”. I assume the iguana guy was a boy iguana as opposed to being an actual guy who worked in the iguana department of the shop? Just checking!
    Love your Chubby Kitty start and congratulation on being up to date with the Storytime SAL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hahahahaha!! you Jo, you! it was a boy iguana who liked being mouth fed alive crickets rather then hunting them himself. I’m not a fan of captivated animals/scarifying preys, but this guy immediately started climbing my hand to reach my chest and rest his head under my chin. he looked like a Care Bear version of a mini dinosaur 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
      the last time I went there I held this super clever white female rat that I had so much fun playing with.. I don’t like shops that sell animals, but then again where else would I have had the chance to do these two things?


  2. Ok I managed to read all that long blogpost and I was tired of all the things you did!If you have so much energy come this way to clean up my mess!LOL!There must be something else in the pizza apart from oregano! I knew it was a frog!But what frog? I love Taras last photo!And the Taras in cross stitch reminded me of that kit you had sent me and I have to stitch one day!AriadnefromGreece!


    1. 😀 looks like my magic pizza effect will get booked and start touring all over the world! 😛
      I don’t mind the gratification of making something look spotless, all organised and making sense – but the resulting aching kills me.
      now that I think about it, there was A LOT of origano, I wonder.. 😛
      don’t worry about the type of frog, it’s very easy this time. just wait a bit more, there’re just two more pictures for this game 🙂
      you must stitch Barca too at some point! 🙂


  3. Wow! Chiara, you have expended enough energy in one day for all of us in blogland, I think! Well done, you! In contrast I am being slothlike as I have come down with the office bug and am too sick to do much at all – lol!


  4. How impressive! As I woke up at 1.30 (due to a right sciatica added to left broken foot) could become an effective day but I stay in bed and get up at 6.30 to take medecine with breakfast. I fed couple of ducks already on the terrace at 6.50, does it count ? I’m back in bed yet still working on a crazy crossword…. 😉 xxx


    1. haha! I feel for you, both pains combined must be a terrible experience..
      just moments ago I fed someone on my terrace too! I hope the enigma can distract you for a while 🙂


  5. Wow! Would you share the name of the magic pizza kit … please do! I have a pile of stuff that badly needs ironing… 😦 It has almost reached the size of an obese 10yrs old so I could do with some extra energy!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I detest ironing too!! it’s just a regular Barilla pizza kit but it’s very cleverly put together. I have just bought two so I can show you some snaps in my next post 😆🙌🏻


  6. Wow you have been productive 😀 Great job, and how you still managed to squeeze stitching in with all that is beyond me. I loved that kitty when Carla did it (alaskawolfpack is her blog, by the way) and can’t wait to see yours now 🙂


    1. YAY!! I couldn’t find my note about her blog and with my memory being what it is I would have never remembered it. I’ll link her up in my next update!


  7. That’s amazing! I love spurts of energy like that, they make me feel so productive. Lovely stitching! The Taras start is absolutely adorable. And great job catching up with the Story Time Sampler! The new story looks beautiful. 😀


    1. I really hope they’ll come back in the future, I got so much done in just a couple of days!! and speaking of spurts of energy, I really think you should listen to this song

      I don’t know if the link will work, it’s “Yesterdays” by Only Real. if I know you well you’ll get it on loop like I did for days 😉
      I’m working on Chubby Taras right now, lots of white on white on the horizon but since I just began, I don’t mind 😛
      thanks for the compliments, I can’t wait to know what the next story will be!


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