Country Cottage Needleworks · Frosty Forest · Giveaways · Stitch enigmae · The Grey Tail

the enigma begins

—> WARNINGMay 3, 5:25 pm the enigma has been solved by one geeky reader after just one clue!! well done, Heather!! 👏 she’s the winner of one of the prize packs of course, but we agreed to keep the mystery going just for the sake of it. her comment is on hold right now, this way everyone can keep on having fun taking guesses. remember the only way you can win the other prize pack is by adding a comment in this post. I’ll put all the names in a bowl and draw a winner a few days after the last clue gets posted.

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May 3, 12:30 amhere we are! it’s time for the stitch enigma to begin!

I had such a great time planning this game, I really hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

a list of all the rules, prizes and questions can be found in this post, please read it through if you haven’t already. now let’s start playing, shall we? 🙂

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1st clue: the enigma piece.. could depict a scene from a successful animated film.

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remember: you can write your guess after every clue (i.e. in every post) from now on, but in order to participate in the final drawing for the second winner you need to add a comment here, in THIS POST ONLY. you don’t have to hazard a guess right now, just write me something and I’ll enter your name in the bowl of destiny once the enigma gets solved. of course if you are the first one who guesses the name of the design I’m working on, and its designer, I won’t put your name in the bowl – cause you’ll be the winner of this years’ stitch enigma, so guess away! 🙂

BaBa 4/14
don’t worry, Chiara, your secret is safe with me.

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good luck and stay tuned for the second clue!

have a nice day,


51 thoughts on “the enigma begins

  1. This is going to be fun! Happy blogoversary! I have an idea but I’m going to wait to guess until more clues have been revealed 🙂


  2. Well, I know you are working on Frosty Forest, so I’ll just take a wild guess that it’s Snowy Foxes from Country Cottage Needleworks (could be a scene from Frozen 🙂 ).


  3. You’re not really a Mirabilia stitcher usually but I’m going to guess Sleeping Beauty anyway.


  4. Wow, that was fast! I can’t believe someone solved it already. I’ll go ahead and guess, just for the fun of it. Is it Beauty and the Beast? 😀


  5. I instantly thought of rabbits and watership down when you said in the clue its from an animated film. Then just for giggles I thought of Nemo from Finding Nemo film!! ha ha…


  6. Quick witted reader – congratulations! I was ruminations on something “Frozen” – but no specific suggestion yet.

    Mary in MN


  7. Well, it clearly doesn’t pay to be very behind in reading, does it? LOL Well done Heather! So my first stab at something from Brave is kind of beyond the point now (though I am wishing I had a Minion to stitch, too)…


    1. anything from Brave would be as epic as a stitched Minion, honestly. Heather read me like the back of her hand, I fell beaten for a whole minute the other day. 😉👏


  8. Hello, very pleased to join you on this enigma
    I was thinking of Bert in MARY POPPINS, who was drawing with chalks on the pavement. Cordialmente


  9. Many French Knot eyes – a crowd scene of some sort? A jungle scene which could be from The Jungle Book?


    1. well, I know it’s still a blur but we’re still at the 6th clue out of 15 – I promise it’ll all make sense at some point 😉 hopefully the next picture will give you something to work on, I’m in team Jo! YOU GO GIRL! 😀


  10. Little bits of grass? I think I’m getting fixated on the fairy tales but you said “could depict a scene” not “does depict” so maybe I’ve been on a wild goose chase all along!
    Is it the maze at Hamptom Court?
    Or any maze anywhere in the world?


  11. Repeats itself – now I’m thinking of cuckoo and clocks then Switzerland. So my latest guess is Heidi!!


  12. Google translate says “son of the art” so I’m thinking a mother/daughter design team and going for a CCN/LHN design this time.


  13. After clue 12 it still looks like a CCN design to me, I’m trying to think of other mother/daughter teams now! Drawing a blank on the animated film though. I’m determined to keep going until the final clue and it will all seem blindingly obvious then!


  14. OMG OMG OMG I think I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is it Frosty Forest by CCN in your side bar?

    I am have palpitations sitting here typing!!!!!!


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